
This month, sign-up begins for kids to participate in these sports

Michael J. Leonard, Executive Director of Channahon Park District NEW | Village of Channahon website

The following youth sports registrations will begin this month.

Week 1 - Dec. 1 - 7

Monday, Dec. 2:

Winter Sports Tryouts - Girls Volleyball - 7th grade

Channahon School District 17

3-5 pm

Winter Sports Tryouts - Girls Volleyball - 8th grade

Channahon School District 17

4:30-6:30 pm

Week 2 - Dec. 8 - 14

There are no youth sports registrations taking place this week.

Week 3 - Dec. 15 - 21

There are no youth sports registrations taking place this week.

Week 4 - Dec. 22 - 28

There are no youth sports registrations taking place this week.

Week 5 - Dec. 29 - 31

Monday, Dec. 30:

3-4th Scott Slocum's Youth Basketball- 1

Channahon Park District

9-10:30 am

5-6th Scott Slocum's Youth Basketball-

Channahon Park District

10:45 am-12:15 pm